Physical Therapy 3

PT 3

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Belinda Sharp
Exercise / PT
Picture Schedule
Early Childhood, Primary, Intermediate, Secondary, Adult

Physical Therapy 3 Pretend ou are a boxer punching and kicking in the air using both sides of your body Jump over stuffed animals Jump on/off a small step stool or step Stretch arms overhead to side and to floor moving slowly-Repeat Play Simon Says Lunges Throw socks into laundry basket while standing on a pillow or couch cushion hop Hit balloon with papertowel roll Cosmic Kids Yoga-on You Tube jump Balloon Volleyball on your knees Tip Toe walk or stand with hands raised overhead trying not to move. standing dance Push a Box/laundry basket full of canned goods or books. Laying on stomach try to lift both arms and both legs up at the same time and hold for as long as you can hopscotch jumping jack sit-up Laying on your stomach with both legs out straight keep your head up (without holding with your hands)-while playing a game or reading a book push a box Bridges ( laying on your back with your knees bent up and feet flat on the floor lift bottom up into the air and hold for several seconds) Stand with one foot on a stack of books or pillows balancing while watching TV Carry canned food or books across the room to fill up a laundry basket