Position Pete Picture Cards

This Position Pete activity targets:

Pronouns, prepositions, expressive and receptive language as well as fine motor skills.


  1. The Pete cards from Lessonpix
  2. Ten matching Legos for each child and yourself
  3. A Lego person for each participant


  1. Pass out the sets of blocks
  2. Choose a child to give directions
  3. Have them instruct the group in the order to stack the blocks, building a wall. The child must use details such as size and color of blocks and position to place them in.  Their peers must listen and follow directions, and ask questions when not enough information is given
  4. Using the pronouns he and him the children draw cards and tell the group the position to put their Lego man in. They need to use pronouns for this stage of the session.
  5. Go around the group giving each child multiple turns to draw.

Have fun!

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mona chiles
Pragmatic Language
Picture Cards
Early Childhood, Primary, Intermediate

Position Pete Picture Cards Preposition Pete Picture Cards Picture cards above around behind between first front in left next to near on out over second through under