Short and long vowels Dolch dice

Short and long a, e, i, o, u dolch words on dice. Please note they are phonteically grouped, not always by consistent letter to draw attention to same middle sound *phonological awareness task). Practice by family of same vowel to make reading a little easier and learn to pronounce or to decide if the vowel is the same or diffferent than other vowel dice words if you roll dice from the same or 2 different vowel sets (e.g. compare long to short vowels or two different short vowels). 

Tanya Coyle
Alphabet & Reading
Custom Dice
Early Childhood, Primary, Intermediate, Secondary, Adult

Short and long vowels Dolch dice here me see three we eat he she please been green read red said get yes let them when not well then tell ten better not on saw stop off got for go yellow no so know old open over both cold Or A at have that an as ask had has fast black away make play came they say again take May gave made always blue two to you do new funny jump up run but must under just of us upon cut find I my like ride white fly buy five why write right big in is it little did this with will give his live