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Dot the Fire Dog by Lisa Desimini

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Lori Binko
Stories & Songs
Question Cards
Early Childhood, Primary

Dot the Fire Dog by Lisa Desimini What does Dot lay next to? fire fire hat firefighter boots What waits downstairs? bedroom firetruck water What may the firefighters do at the fire station? Play catch with Dot light the matches build a snowman What do the firefighters do when they hear the alarm RRRRING? cover their ears Put on their gear Go to Bed Where does a firetruck go? to the movies to the playground To a burning house What does a firefighter do when they get to the burning house? The firefighter carries a sick man out. He eats dinner with a family. He saves a cat from a tree. How do the firefighters put out the fire? They use a fire extinguisher. They aim the water hose. The blow the fire out. What do the firefighters do when they go back to the fire station? They go for a bicycle ride. They put away their gear. The dance to celebrate. What does Dot do at the end of the story? Dot plays catch. Dot saves another kitten. Dot takes a nap by the boots.

Comprehension Questions for the story, "Dot the Fire Dog" by Lisa Desimini.


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