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Shirley Chisholm

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Beth Poss
Social Studies & Geography
Books and Stories
Early Childhood, Primary, Intermediate, Secondary, Adult

Shirley Chisholm by Mrs. P Shirley Chisholm was a teacher a politician and an author. Shirley Chisholm grew up and lived in New York City. In 1968 she was the first Black woman elected to the United States Congress. Before she became Congresswoman she was a preschool teacher. In Congress Shirley Chisholm started the food program WIC. She also fought for money for child care and for better health care. In 1972 she was the first Black woman to run for the President of the United States. While she did not win the Democratic Primary this was an important first step for women and for Blacks. Later in life Shirley Chisholm became a writer. Her autobiography was called Unbought and Unbossed. She was given the Presidential Medal of Freedom. Shirley Chisholm died in 2005 but is remembered as a very important person in US history. Black History Month

Students can learn about the contributions of Shirley Chisholm with this simplified text. 

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