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Sara Peterson
Social Skills
Books and Stories
Early Childhood

Personal Space Personal space is an imaginary bubble that every person has around them. It is how much space they need to feel comfortable around other people. I like to play with my classmates at school. I get excited to be with my friends. We have fun when we play together! Sometimes when I am excited I want to touch or bump into my friend but they might not want that. They might say STOP! If I do not stop they might not want to play together anymore. I want us all to be happy so I will keep my body in its imaginary bubble! I need personal space at other times too! When we are in a line I need to give space to the person in front of me and the person behind me. If I am too wiggly in line it might cause a problem If I bump into a person they could get hurt! When I am in line I will have my eyes on the teacher at the front of the line. Teacher will lead the way. I will have my ears listening to my teacher. Teacher will tell me where we are going. I will have my voice quiet. Other classes are learning. I will have my body calm. I will keep my own personal space. When I keep personal Space we can have fun at school! Lets all have fun!

A social story to teach about personal space, with a special focus on mantaining space and walking safely in line

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