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Big Problem or Small Problem

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Andrea Messel
Feelings & Emotions
Books and Stories
Early Childhood, Primary, Intermediate, Secondary, Adult

Big Problem or Small Problem What is the size of my problem?? Some problems are big some problems are small. When I raise my hand and don't get called on. This is a small problem. It is ok to feel disappointed when you have a small problem. It is not ok to be frustrated and mad because it's not a big problem. Sometimes I don't want to do my work and I get frustrated. This is a small problem. Sometimes I want to draw when I am asked to do work. This is a small problem. I may get an earache. This could be a big problem. I might bump my knee and it may hurt.This could be a big problem. Sometimes it seems like people are looking at me this is a small problem. I don't need to get upset. Sometimes I get frustrated when I think someone is telling me what to do.This is a small problem . Sometimes it makes my friends uncomfortable when I get frustrated at a small problem. When I am upset or frustrated whether it is a small problem or big problem I can use some strategies to help me calm down. My teacher may ask me to go in the hallway to cool down. This is a good idea. I can take 10 deep breaths to help me cool down. I could tell my teacher a need a break Go to a quiet area. Ask to get a drink of water. and ask to listen to music. I could go get a fidget to help me calm down. My teachers will help me learn the strategies I need to self regulate and calm down. I am leanring the difference between a big problem and a small problem and how I should react. I know I can use my strategies to help me. I know I can match my reaction to the size of my problem by knowing my strategies and asking for help when I'm not sure what the size of my problem is. Work with Teacher Copy Board surprised calm wondering

Big Problem or Small Problem

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