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I Can Poop On the Toilet

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Heather Schanckenberg
Books and Stories
Early Childhood, Primary, Intermediate, Secondary, Adult

I Can Poop On the Toilet Sometimes I get a feeling in my belly. It feels like a cramp. That's my body telling me I need to poop. Everyone poop's. It's good to poop especially in the bathroom. Poop is stinky if we poop in our undies Pull up. Poop goes into the toilet so that it is not stinky. If I need to poop and try to stop it my tummy might hurt and I might feel cranky. I can sit on the toilet and let the poop slide out. I can poop in the bathroom or on my potty. I can ask my caregivers for help if I need it. Sometimes I have an accident and that's okay. I can try next time to get the poop in the toilet. When I sit on the toilet I need to try and relax my body so the poop can slide out. My caregivers like it when I go to the bathroom to poop. I can sit on the toilet and sing some songs or read my "I Can Poop on the toilet" book. I will try to poop for 3 minutes. If I can't poop this time I will try again later. When I'm finished I'll wipe by bum clean using the wipes or toilet paper. If I need help I can ask my caregivers to help me wipe my bum. I put the wipes in the garbage can. Then I flush the poop away so it doesn't smell. Now I can pull up my underwear and pants. I will make sure I wash my hands when I'm all done! Yay! I did it! I can poop in the toilet! Pooping in the bathroom makes me feel happy and proud. ChildrenFirst

This social story is to support children to have a BM on the toilet. 

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