/sh/ Game Board
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/sh/ initial position words without /r/
How I use in 2nd grade group of 3: Clients roll the dice and as they move across the board to the finish, they must say each word the same number of times as on the dice. So, if they roll a 3, they would say "shade", "shout", and "shave" each 3 times.
If the group is smaller (i.e. only 2 clients), I'll have them double the number of repetitions. To extend the game for increased trials, I'll add the 'rule' they can't get to the finish line until they've circled the board and landed on each bee comb.
For sentence and conversation level clients in group: Client must make a sentence or ask a question about word they land on after rolling dice.
This material has been made a Free Sample in celebration of ASHA's Better Hearing and Speech Month! Learn more