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Big or Little Problem?

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Kayla Fuller
Social Skills
Multiple Choice Cards
Early Childhood, Primary, Intermediate, Secondary, Adult

Big or Little Problem? I spilled my drink Big Problem Little Problem I don't know I spilled on my clothes There is a bad smell I don't undersatand my work I bumped my knee There is a fire I am not Last in Line I want a toy someone else has There is a tornado I was stung by a bee I lost my game There is a car accident I broke my pencil My cookie broke I cut my arm My Head Hurts ipad isn't available My hands are dirty Someone Said Something Mean I have to redo my work My paper ripped I ripped my pants My shoe is untied My teacher is busy someone is in my personal space It is TOO LOUD I have to wait I don't like my lunch someone stuck their tongue out at me I fell I Don I Made a Mistake Someone staring at me I broke my arm my food tasted funny I dropped my crsayons I forgot my backback I can only find one glove someone accidentally bumped me my teacher told me no computer has an error it's starting to rain someone is ignoring me I have to take turns


Scenerio Cards showing examples of what an individual may see as a problem.
These question cards give an example of a problem and the individual must decide whether they percieve the issue as a "big problem", "little problem", or "I don't know".
Great question cards for open-ended discussions. 

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