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Social Distancing with Pete and Patty

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Lori Binko
Books and Stories
Early Childhood, Primary, Intermediate, Secondary, Adult

Social Distancing with Pete and Patty Pete and Patty are good friends. They like to play together. But right now they have to practice "social distancing". But how far is social distancing? Is this okay? No that is too close. Is this okay? Yes! That is 6 feet. But how far is 6 feet? 6 feet is one car across - stay in your lane! 6 feet is one alligator between - watch out! 6 feet is one table 2 bunny hops 3 scooters 4 sitting dogs 5 pizzas or 6 basketballs! There are other ways to be together like on the phone or on the computer. Pete and Patty keep apart for a little while because they care about each other. They are friends forever. corona covid-19 free

What is social distancing? Book with Position Pete and Pronoun Patty. 

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