Articles > You have been logged out!
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Why have you been logged out?

You have been logged out of your LessonPix account... and since you're visiting this page, you're probably wondering why!

In general there are three ways to get this message:

  1. You have clicked the Logout link at the top right.  Even if you do it in a different browser window, you'll be logged out of every tab and window in your browser.  Just log back in - no problem!
  2. You have timed out.  We have an activity timeout that will log you out if you don't perform any action on the site for a period of time.  This is primarily for privacy concerns (your private images shouldn't be visible to the next user of the machine).  Again, just log back in - no problem!
  3. You've logged in from another machine.  You are welcome to use your from as many machines as you'd like, but only from one at a time.  Our $36.00 annual license fee covers a single user and may not be shared among more than one person.  Due to abuse, we must enforce this by logging out old sessions when you log into a new computer or browser.  You are welcome to log back in, but you will log out anyone else using the account.  If you believe someone is using your account without your consent, please change your password.

If you have any questions, please reach out to us: we are happy to help clarify things or troubleshoot if you think things are going wrong.  Specifically, if you are sharing your account with another person, please contact us: we will be happy to migrate you into a very affordable group with no disruption in your service.  

Thank you for using LessonPix: good luck and have fun!