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Kathee Smith
Books and Stories
Early Childhood, Primary, Intermediate, Secondary, Adult

book choices Sometimes in class students yell sing or talk loud. Sometimes that bothers me but I have a CHOICE! I can make a good choice. First I have to Stop think and Choose. I can QUIETLY go to a place to calm down. I can QUIETLY count to 10 in my brain. I can QUIETLY ask the teacher if I can leave or get a drink of water. I can QUIETLY read a book and ignore the noise. I need to be careful to NOT make a bad choice. I cannot hit or push others if they are making noises. I cannot kick others or items in the room if someone is making noises. I cannot get in someones personal space if they are making noises. I cannot throw a tantrum if someone is making noises. I cannot yell "shut up" or scream loudly if someone is making noises I need to QUIETLY think so I make good choices. Everyone is happy and proud of me when I make good choices.

social narrative about making choices when someone in class is loud.

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