Articles > For Therapy

Memory Game in Speech and Language Therapy

Using,therapists can easily create fun Memory Games. It is as easy as 1 - 2 - 3!

  1. Select the pictures you want for your game and press the "Create Materials" button.
    • Select pictures from our Clip Art library.
    • Try the SoundFinder to find pictures with the sounds you need at the beginning, middle or end of words.
    • Try the PatternFinder to search for pictures with letter patterns like CV, CVC, CVCV, etc.
  2. Follow the wizard beginning by selecting, "Picture Cards".
  3. Print 2 copies of your picture cards.

When printing your picture cards, you may choose to print them on cardstock or index paper or laminate the cards so they will last.

SLP: You can create various Memory Games card sets that practice specific sounds, focus on specific patterns (ie:CV, CVCV), use characters from a story, utilize the interest of the child / children, or promote language skills (ie: categories). For example,...

OT / PT: Create memory games that focus on targeted skills for your OT or PT practice. For exampls...

You can create the Memory Games you want - easily and with no wait!

How to Play Memory:

  1. Using pairs of matching picture cards of each picture, lay the cards face down on a table or flat surface.
  2. Have the child turn over 1 card and say the picture on the card.
  3. Then have the child turn over the second card, say the picture, and determine if they match. If they match, the child keeps the pair of cards. If they do not match, the child turns the cards back over and tries again.

If you have 2 or more players, the players can take turns turning over cards, looking for matching pairs. If they find a match, the player keeps the matching cards. The player at the end of the game with the most matches wins!