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Creating the UDL Early Childhood Classroom: The Physical Environment

The basis of every early childhood program is the learning environment; the physical, social-emotional, and temporal spaces where children will interact, grow and develop. Within a rich play-based learning environment, early childhood educators implement intentional teaching strategies to support their students in meeting early learning standards. Engaging resources and learning tasks with appropriate scaffolding provide children the opportunity to develop skills and competencies they will need as they move along in education and in life.

The three principles of Universal Design for Learning are critical when creating a learning environment that is responsive to learners of diverse cultures, abilities, language and life experiences and that results in growth across all domains.

The 3 Universal Design for Learning Principles are:

  1. Multiple Means of Representation (the “what” of learning)- present content in varied and flexible ways 
  2. Multiple Means of Action and Expression (the “how” of learning) – give learners varied and flexible ways to show what they know
  3. Multiple Means of Engagement (the “why” of learning) – use varied and flexible ways to motivate learners and maintain their interest

There are 3 environmental components that supports every child’s ability to learn: physical, social and temporal. We will explore the Physical Environment in this article. According to Mistrett (2016), the Physical Environment includes the selection and physical layout of space, arrangement of furniture and resources, as well as lighting and floor coverings, and the creation and organization of learning centers. All children must be able to safely access and engage in the learning opportunities in both indoor and outdoor learning spaces. The physical environment should encourage play, exploration, interactions, and inquiry through the arrangement of space and equipment.

Universally Designed Physical Environment Elements (adapted from Mistrett):


Additional Supports


January 15, 2020 Article by Beth Poss, SLP

This Article is a 3 Part Series

Part 1: Creating the UDL Early Childhood Classroom - Physical Environment

Part 2: Creating the UDL Early Childhood Classroom - Social-Emotional Environment

Part 3: Creating the UDL Early Childhood Classroom - The Temporal Environment