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School Will Be Different This Year

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Beth Poss
Social Skills
Books and Stories
Early Childhood, Primary, Intermediate, Secondary, Adult

School Will Be Different This Year by LessonPix I am going back to school soon. School will be different than it was last year. Sometimes school will be at my school. Sometimes it will be at home on the computer. This will help keep students and teachers healthy. When I am at school I may need to wear a mask. All of my teachers will be wearing masks. our desks will be far apart. I need to touch only my own school supplies. I will need to stand 6 feet apart in the hallway. I will need to eat meals in my classroom instead of the cafeteria. I will get to play with my friends but I will have to wash my hands often. When I am at home I will see my friends and my teachers on the computer. When I am home I will still need to do my school work and read so that I will keep learning. School will be different than it was last year but school will still be fun and I will still learn. covid19

This social story is intended to help students who will be transitioning back to school in a different environment than they have had in the past. It highlights the need for social distancing, masks, and taking extra precautions with hand washing. 

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