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Mr. Potato Head

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kitsie kennard
Social Skills
Books and Stories
Early Childhood, Primary, Intermediate, Secondary, Adult

Mr. Potato Head "I want Mr. Potato Head." "Let's play with Mr. Potato Head." "I want Mrs. Potato Head." "Let's pay with Mrs. Potato Head." "Can I have short hair please?" "Can I have long hair please?" "Can I have the hat please?" "Can I have the beanie please?" "Can I have the black beanie please?" "Can I have baseball hat please?" "Can I have cowboy hat please?" "Can I have crown please?" "Can I have earmuffs please?" "Can I have firefighter hat please?" "Can I have top hat please?" "Can I have the party hat please?" "Can I have the Santa hat please?" "Can I have the tiara please?" "Can I have the winter hat please?" "Can I have the witch hat please?" "Can I have the glasses please?" "Can I have the black glasses please?" "Can I have the red glasses please?" "Can I have the blue glasses please?" "Can I have the yellow glasses please?" "Can I have the green sunglasses please?" "Can I have the orange sunglasses please?" "Can I have the red sunglasses please?" "Can I have the yellow sunglasses please?" "Can I have a nose please?" "Can I have the red nose please?" "This is my nose." "Can I have the lips please?" "Can I have the teeth please?" "Can I have the tongue please?" "This is my mouth." "Can I have the mustache please." "Can I have the ears please?" "Can I have the right ear please?" "Can I have the left ear please?" "These are my ears." "Can I have the arms please?" "Can I have an arm please?" "Can I have the earrings please?" "Can I have the diamond earrings please?" "Can I have the red earrings please?" "Can I have the green earrings please?" "Can I have the necklace please?" "Can I have the bracelet please?" "Can I have the ring please?" "Can I have the purse please?" "Can I have the pink purse please?" "Can I have the green purse please?" "Can I have the blue purse please?" "Can I have the black purse please?" "Can I have the yellow purse please?" "Can I have the shoes please?" "Can I have the brown shoes please?" "Can I have the boots please?" "Can I have the snow boots please?" "Can I have the black boots please?" "Can I have the brown boots please?" "Can I have the flip flops please?" "Can I have the rainboots please?" "Can I have the sandals please?" "Can I have the ballet shoes please?" "Can I have the cleats please?" "Can I have the high heels please?" "Can I have the tennis shoes please?" "Can I have the sneakers please?" "I am putting on the shoe." "I am putting on his shoe." "I am putting on her shoe." "I am taking off the shoe." "Can I have a bandaide please?" "Mr Potato Head needs a bandaide." Potato Head is hurt." "Can I have a cast please?" "I need help please." "Do you want to play?" "How does it look?" "I like it." "I do not like it."

This material, titled 'Mr. Potato Head' social script

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