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Simple Sentences for Basic Vocab

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DeAnna Carter
Grammar & Semantics
Pictures and Words
Early Childhood, Primary, Intermediate, Secondary, Adult

Simple Sentences for Basic Vocab Simple Sentences The dog is barking. A momma cat and her kittens. The little yellow duck. A horse lives on a farm. The cow says moo. He is riding a bike. He is blowing bubbles. Mom said to brush your teeth. He went down the slide. She is drawing a butterfly. She is getting dressed for school. She is listening to music. Mom gave her son a hug. They are jumping rope. He played with his toys. She read a book at school. They are reading a book about cars. The children are at the playground. He can run very fast. She is sleeping in her bed. She went high on the swing. He is watching tv. He took a bath because he was dirty. She is brushing her hair. This is her back. This is my chin. I can listen with my ears. I can see with my eyes. My feet help me walk. This is my hand. This is my knee. These are my legs. This is a mouth. I can smell with my nose. This is my thumb. A banana is a fruit. Broccoli is green. Carrots are orange. Mom cooked corn on the cob. I eat purple grapes. Oranges grow on trees. Potatoes are a vegetable. This is an orange pumpkin. Strawberries are a red fruit. I eat bacon for breakfast. This is an egg. I ordered a hamburger. I like ketchup on my hotdog. I ate chicken nuggets for lunch. Macaroni and cheese is my favorite food. I like spaghetti and meatballs.

Use these sentences to teach basic nouns, verbs, and pronouns. Ask questions for simple sentence comprehension. 

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