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Question Cards for The Rainbow Fish by Marcus Pfister

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Lori Binko
Stories & Songs
Question Cards
Early Childhood, Primary, Intermediate, Secondary, Adult

Question Cards for The Rainbow Fish by Marcus Pfister Who is the main character in the story? Rainbow Fish Wise Octopus Where does Rainbow fish live? In the Mountains In the Deep Blue Sea What color are Rainbow Fish's scales? blue green and purple with sparkles Orange and yellow with glitter How do some of the scales look on Rainbow Fish? dull Sparkling Who asked Rainbow Fish for one of his scales? little blue fish starfish What did Rainbow Fish say when Little Blue Fish asked for a scale? Get away from me I like you How did all of the other fish feel when Rainbow fish didn't share? They didn't like him They were friends Who did Starfish tell Rainbow Fish to go to for help? Smiling Shark Where does Wise Octopus live? In a sunken ship In a deep cave What did the Octopus tell Rainbow Fish to do? Give a scale to each fish Take a scale from the other fish How did Rainbow Fish feel when he gave a scale? happy sad What did Little Blue Fish say when he got the shiny scale? I'm Sorry thank you What happened at the end of the story? Rainbow Fish was all alone Rainbow Fish had lots of friends How do you feel about this story? I like it! I don't like it

Comprehension questions for the story, "The Rainbow Fish" by Marcus Pfister

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