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Social Story: Messy & Unsafe Things

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Talia Schreiber
Stories & Songs
Books and Stories
Early Childhood, Primary, Intermediate, Secondary, Adult

Social Story: Messy & Unsafe Things Messy & Unsafe Things I like exploring and learning using all sorts of things. Using different things can be fun and exciting. but there are some things that I should not use. They might belong to someone else be unsafe or make a mess. Things that belong to someone else are not for me. I need to ask first. things that are sharp that have small pieces or that are used for something else can be unsafe Things that are sticky wet or crumbly can make a big mess Dealing with a mess can be frustrating. It can be upsetting for others because it can make for extra cleaning or ruin things. I should ask an adult before I use these things. If they say no that means I am not allowed to use them. If an adult says yes they might need to watch me or help me use it at the right time or place. If someone else starts using things they shouldn’t I can ask them to stop and tell an adult. I should not join them. When I can be safe and responsible with messy things I can have fun without any trouble. When I follow these steps I can show that I can be trusted to do the right thing. I might even be able to get to do them by myself one day.

Social Story re: messy & unsafe things 

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