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PR blends sentence level

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Christine Burke
Articulation & Phonology
Pictures and Words
Early Childhood, Primary, Intermediate, Secondary, Adult

PR blends sentence level We will pray for a snow day. Press your hands on the wall. I can't read the price on the label. She is the pride of the family. I am proud of myself. Use black spray paint on the wall. I will praise you for the winning goal My birthday is in April. Put on the apron when cooking dinner. Please print your name on the line. I prefer to eat candy instead of salad. The flowers are so pretty. The prince attended the banquet. You should spread the peanut butter carefully Spring comes after winter. Sprite is another word for fairy. I feel pressure to get my work done correctly. The new kid approached me carefully. The army private got on the ship. I hate when my printer stops working.

pr blends in sentences

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