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School Social Skills

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Lynette Lucas
Autism Support & Behavior Strategies
Books and Stories
Primary, Intermediate

School Social Skills Using Social Skills at School. The expectations of how we behave at school are different than the expectations at home. Our feelings impact our behavior. We feel with our body and with our brain. We have the ability to think about our feelings and not just react to them. Think Before Talking is this positive? is this a negative thing to say? We can think before we speak. We think before we say something we regret. Negative behavior impacts how people think about us. They may not want to be friends with us People with positive attitudes are fun to hang out with and be friends. Listening is an important social skill. We have to listen to learn and to participate in conversations. In order to listen to someone else you must be quiet. Focus on the person who is talking this can help you understand what is being said both verbally and nonverbally. Taking turns is an important skill in friendships Conversations the classroom. Wait your turn. Everyone wants a turn not just you. Raise your hand in class and wait until your teacher calls on you. It's the polite thing to do. Shouting out an answer is not a good thing. It is rude. Yelling at others is not a good thing people don't enjoy being yelled at. Other students get annoyed with someone who is always shouting out. They want a turn too. Conversations begin with greetings and asking your conversation partner questions. There are moments when you have to Interrupt a conversation. There are ways to do this politely. Using a Friendly Voice helps to keep your conversations going. Having friends is a great part of being in school. Understanding school social skills help friendships.

This material was created to introduce social communication strategies for a student with Autism who was struggling in the school enviroment.

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