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When I Am

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Shauna Cuff
Feelings & Emotions
When I Am...
Early Childhood, Primary, Intermediate, Secondary, Adult

when i am red Do 10 Birthday Breaths Take a short walk Get a drink of water zones of regulation Red Zone strategies to relax strategies to calm

This is used by a student who needs a visual reminder during moments of anger, frustration, (both of which are in his red zone) embarassment, and sadness (in his blue zone) of the three strategies that he has rehearsed while in a good learning headspace that he can go to to calm down and "come back to green." He has another visual cue just like this for when he is feeling "blue" as well. These are used in conjunction with the "Zones of Regulation" model, and he is learning about the "Size of the Problem" in conjunction with these strategies as well. 

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