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I Have.. Who Has Past Tense Verbs

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Emily DeRoos
Grammar & Semantics
I Have.. Who Has
Primary, Intermediate, Secondary, Adult

I Have.. Who Has Past Tense Verbs I Have.. Who Has helping helped Calling Called clapping Clapped crying cried Combing Combed Drinking Drank dropping dropped drying dried waving waved hopping Hopped hugging hugged jumping Jumped Scratching Scratched kicking kicked Kissing Kissed Knocking Knocked looking looked Peeling peeled Popping popped pulling pulled pushing pushed sleeping Slept snapping snapped Spilling spilled Stepping Stepped talking Talked screaming screamed tossing Tossed pointing pointed waiting waited Walked wanting wanted washing washed wiping wiped working Worked yelling yelled Zipping zipped blowing Blew catching Caught eating ate falling Fell feeding fed giving gave hanging hung hiding hid holding Held leaving left reading read riding Rode Sending sent sitting sat Waking woke winning won sliding Slid running ran singing Sang swinging swang biting bit building Built Breaking broke digging dug Seeing saw shaking Shook speaking spoke drawing Drew

Mixed regular and irregular past tense verbs

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