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Lori Binko
Stories & Songs
Question Cards
Early Childhood, Primary, Intermediate

Question about Martha Speaks by Susan Meddaugh What happened when Helen's mom told her to eat her soup? Helen ate her soup Helen fed the dog her soup Helen spilled the soup When Martha's dog ate the soup where did the letters go? To Martha's brain To Martha's stomach In the book When Martha could talk did the family keep it a secret? no. They loved surprising people yes. They didn't tell anyone no. They told the whole world Why did the family order pizza from a different restaurant every night? They didn't like the pizza They wanted different pizza They loved to surprise the pizza delivery person Why was it a mistake to teach Martha how to use the phone? She called everyone She broke the phone She ordered a lot of BBQ What was the problem now that Martha could talk? She talked too much both She said embarrassing things Why did Martha stop talking? The family said she talked too much She forgot how to talk She was too shy What did Martha's family do when she stopped talking? They called the vet They gave her more soup They gave her a treat Who broke the window? Martha baseball player burglar What did the burglar give Martha? alphabet soup dog food tennis ball What did Martha do about the burglar after she could talk again? told Helen Took a Nap Called the Police What did Martha learn? What to say and when to say it How to Call 9-1-1 How to Ride a Bike

Comprehension Question Cards about "Martha Speaks" by Susan Meddaugh

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