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The Voice and Car Book

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Kathleen Arnold
Books and Stories
Early Childhood, Primary

The Voice and Car Book How do you take care of your voice and your cars? Learn about the voice and cars! The vocal cords are in the neck. The engine is under the hood. Speech Therapists help with the voice. Mechanics help with cars. The voice comes from the vocal cords. The car sound comes from the engine. Vocal cords open move and close. Cars open move and close. Vocal cords are powered by air. Cars are powered by gas. The vocal cords need water. The car engine needs oil. Be gentle (use voices 2 and 3). Be gentle on the car gears and engine. Take voice breaks and listen. Take car breaks the park. crying yelling and screaming hurts them. Smashing cars damages them. Take good care of your voice and your cars! How To Take Care of Voices and Cars See a Speech Therapist for voice. See a Mechanic for a car. The voice comes from the vocal cords. The car movement comes from the engine. Lots of Crying

This material, titled 'The Voice and Car Book' is for children with vocal hygiene problems (who also like cars) to help them understand the voice mechanism as well as how to better manage it.

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