Sharing Center > Weekly Tracking Chart

Weekly Tracking Chart

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PowerPoint Fixed (Plain)

Each page of your material is set as a background image on a PowerPoint slide. This allows you to draw on the page as well as move objects onto the page. Great for Telepractice!

PowerPoint Fixed (w/Tokens)

Same as above, but with some of our most common token symbols. Keep the ones you want and delete the rest to make an interactive game for remote play.

PowerPoint Moveable

Each page of your material is placed on a separate slide as a moveable picture. Rearrange and resize as you see fit.

Note: All PowerPoint formats are tested with Google Slides

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Michaela Brisch
Visual Schedules
Weekly Tracking Chart
Early Childhood, Primary, Intermediate, Secondary, Adult

Weekly Tracking Chart Arrival Time Group Meetings breakfast center time Playground Time Work with Teacher lunch nap time Dismissal Time

Created as a home note for parents to know if child was making good choices for each part of the routine/schedule.  Please note that more than one group time occurred daily, so more than 1 smile facey/star would go in the box.  For each part of the schedule I created a social story about the expectations/rules involved to have a star in the box.  These rules were reviewed with the child prior to starting each routine task.  The plan is to fade that out eventually.  If child doesn't earn a star, then the child had an "opps" and need to try again to follow the rules. 

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