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I Can Poop in the Bathroom.

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Lindsay Throp
Social Skills
Books and Stories
Early Childhood, Primary, Intermediate, Secondary, Adult

I Can Poop in the Bathroom. I can do it! I can poop in the bathroom. Everyone poops. It is good to poop especially in the bathroom. Poop is stinky if we poop in our underwear diaper or our bed. Poop goes into the toilet so that it is not stinky. Friends and my family like it when I smell good. If I need to poop and try to stop it my stomach might hurt and I might get angry. I poop in the bathroom. My mom or dad will tell me to go or I can ask when I need to go. When I'm in the bathroom I can poop in my pull-up or even better..... I can poop right into the toilet!! My mom and dad like it when I go to the bathroom to poop. I take my pants off. Then I can put a pull-up on or I sit on the toilet. I can read a book or use my iPad while I try to go poop. I can sit in a chair on the floor or the best thing I could do is sit on the toilet! I will try to poop for 10 minutes. If I can not poop this time I will try again later. When I'm done pooping or the timer is done I take off my pull-up if I have one on. If it's clean I will put the pull-up away and put my clothes on. If it's dirty... Yay I went poop! Now poop goes into the toilet. That's where it belongs. Carefully I put the poop in the toilet. Flush the poop away so it doesn't smell. If I need help I can ask my mom or dad. I'll wipe by bum clean using the wipes. I put the wipes and the dirty pull-up in the garbage can. Now I can put my pants on. I wash my hands and I'm all done! Yay!! I can do it! I can poop in the bathroom. toileting bowel movement anxiety bathroom

This is a story for a child that is reluctant to have a bowel movement on the toilet.  Chooses to hold the BM until night time when he uses a pull-up.  

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