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Dental Surgery

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Michelle Barker
Books and Stories
Early Childhood, Primary, Intermediate

dental surgery Untitled Book Going to the dentist I have a sore tooth that needs help. The dentist will fix my tooth. The day I go to the dentist I won't be able to eat. I might feel hungry. I will sit in a chair. Mom can stay with me. I might feel scared. It's okay to be scared but I will be safe. There will be extra helpers in the room too. They might need to take my blood pressure on my arm and put a sticker on my finger to check my heart rate. I will have to wear mask on my face. The mask will blow air on my face. It might smell funny. I will take some deep breaths and I will start to feel sleepy. I will fall asleep. While I am asleep the dentist will fix my tooth. I won't wake up while they fix my tooth. When I wake up my mouth will feel funny and might be sore. It will only be sore for 1 or 2 days. Mom and Dad will give me medicine for the owies. After we go home I will be able to drink water and juice. I will not be able eat until the next day. Everyone is so proud of me.

A social story to help prepare for dental surgery

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