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Category 3 choices

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Samantha Foggin
Question Cards
Early Childhood, Primary, Intermediate, Secondary, Adult

Category 3 choices Which one is a fruit? peach carrot broccoli Which one is the vegetable? banana apple cabbage Which one is clothing? plate pants towel What do you see at the beach? tree sandcastle lake egg Passion Fruit candy zucchini almonds blueberries blanket blouse flip flops sweater brick Which one is not a toy? Dolls shirt eyes fruit cup socks toy cars Which one is a farm animal? cow Brachiosaurus chameleon alligator kangaroo pig Which one is an action? biking hat bicycle phone call charger What animal lives at the zoo? rhinoceros cat duck Which animal is a dinosaur? foal hen Which one is a dinosaur? stegosaurus bull llama Which one do you see at the zoo? clownfish jellyfish Baboon What lives in the desert? coyote cardinal dinosaur What lives at the arctic? badger penguin bear blue jay chipmunk Arctic Fox Which one is not a bug? caribou butterfly Which one is an insect? Longhorn grasshopper crane What Lives in the Forest? deer dog owl What animal lives in the jungle? gorilla donkey dragon dogs giraffe What lives in the ocean? otter octopus bunny shark bee tyrannasaurus rex

vocabulary categories 

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