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Saying Bye

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Patricia Edgar
Feelings & Emotions
Books and Stories

saying bye Speaking out loud to my teachers makes me feel scared. I am trying. My family My Friends and my teachers know I am doing my best. I can talk out loud at home at t-ball and on the phone. I would like to use my voice around Mrs. Ryan. I am going to start using my voice at the end of the day to say bye. It is okay if I do not look at her. I am only working on saying bye. I have asked for Starbursts for a reward. My teacher is going to give me Starbursts when I say bye to her. My teacher is going to give me Starbursts when I say bye to her. I know I can do this. I have said hi with a smile and a wave. It might be hard for me I can do this. I Might Feel Scared and I have tools to help me. I can give a signal to my parents giggle or do belly breaths. I can give a signal to my parents Do belly breaths. When I say bye to Mrs. Ryan she will be proud of me. My family will be proud of me. I will be proud of me too!

A social story to support a childĀ to use his voice at school.

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