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What's the Connection?

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PowerPoint Fixed (Plain)

Each page of your material is set as a background image on a PowerPoint slide. This allows you to draw on the page as well as move objects onto the page. Great for Telepractice!

PowerPoint Fixed (w/Tokens)

Same as above, but with some of our most common token symbols. Keep the ones you want and delete the rest to make an interactive game for remote play.

PowerPoint Moveable

Each page of your material is placed on a separate slide as a moveable picture. Rearrange and resize as you see fit.

Note: All PowerPoint formats are tested with Google Slides

Monica Penner
Playing Cards
Early Childhood, Primary, Intermediate, Secondary, Adult

What's the Connection? accordion acorn acrobat alien ambulance anchor angel ant anthill Antarctica apartment apple apple tree apron aquarium armadillo artist asparagus ATV Avocado axe baby backpack bacon badge bagpipes balloons ballet shoes bamboo banana band-aid bank barber barn barrel baseball baseball cap baseball glove basket bat bath bathing suit battery Beach ball beans beanstalk bear beaver bee bell belt bicycle binoculars blimp Blood Hound boat bone bonfire book boomerang bottle box bowling ball bread brick bridge briefcase British Columbia Broom bubbles bucket bunny burrito bus butterfly button cactus birthday cake camel camper Canada canary candle candy candy cane cane car cards carseat cash register cashews cast Castle cat catcher caterpillar cave Celebrity centaur cereal chainsaw chair chair lift Chalk chameleon cheese Cheeseburger cheetah chef chicken chili pepper chimney chips chocolate bar chocolate chips circus Claw clipboard clock clothespin clouds clown coal coat coconut coffee coins compass Compost Concrete Truck Conductor cookies coral Corgi cork corndog couch cow crane crocodile crosswalk crown crutches cucumber cup cupcake cupid cushion custodian daisies dalmatian dam dancer dandelion dentist desk detective Dew diamond diaper dice disco ball dock doctor dog Dog Biscuits doghouse dogsled dolphin donkey donut door doorknob dove dragon drill Drone drums dryer duck dump truck dustpan Dwarf eagle ear earbuds earmuffs earrings earth Easter eggs eel egg Eggnog electricity elephant elevator elf emerald Emerald City escalator experiment eyes factory fairy fan farm feather feet fence fern ferris wheel ferry finger finger print fins fire fire alarm firefighter fire hydrant Fire truck fireweed First Aid Kit Fishtank flag flamingo flashlight floatie floss flute fly fog food truck fork forklift fortress fossil fountain french fries frog garbage garbage truck garden garlic gas germs gingerbread house gingerbread man giraffe glasses gloves glue Gnome goalie gold goldfish golf ball Golf Clubs gondola goose gopher gorilla grapefruit grapes grandmother grass grill groundhog guitar gum gummy bear gymnast gymnastics hair Hair dryer hammer hammock hamster hand hanger harmonica harp hay headphones heart helicopter helmet hermit crab hippopotamus hockey player holly honey hoop horse horseshoe hose hospital hot air balloon hot dog hot tub hot water bottle house hummingbird Humpty Dumpty hunter hyena iceberg ice cube iced tea iron island jail jam jeep jellyfish jersey Jewelry Box kangaroo karate kayak ketchup key kite knife knight knot Koala Ladder ladybug lamp lantern lasagna lavender lawnmower laundry leaf leash leather jacket lego lemon letter lettuce life jacket lightbulb lighthouse lily pad limo lion lipstick Little Red Riding Hood lock locker log lollipop loonie lotion magician magnet magnifying glass mailbox manatee map maple tree marbles marshmallows mask match measuring tape mechanic medal megaphone mermaid messenger meteor microphone microscope milk milkshake milky way mime mint mirror mitten mole molehill money monkey monster truck moon moose moss mosquito motorcycle Mountain Mouse mousetrap movie Ms. Penner mushroom mustache mug nachos Narwhal necklace needle Neptune nest net newspaper night light north pole octopus office ogre onion opossum orange orca orchestra Organ ostrich otter oven owl paint paintbrush palm tree pancakes panda paper paper airplane paper clip parade parrot peach peacock peanut peanut butter pearl peas pencil penguin Peter Pan phone piano pickles picnic picnic table pie pig piggy bank pillow pine cone pine tree pinocchio pirate pistachios pitchfork pizza plane Plastic Bag platypus Plunger poinsettia poison ivy polar bear police Pollution poodle pool pool noodle popcorn Poppy porcupine pot potato Potion principal pterodactyl puck pufferfish pumpkin punching bag puppet purse puzzle pyramid quarter quilt radio raft rain rainboots rainbow rake Rapunzel rattle rattlesnake razor record recorder Referee refrigerator reindeer reporter ribbon ring river road robe robin rock rocket rocking chair rollercoaster rolling pin rooster rose rubber duck ruby slippers rudolf rug saber-tooth tiger saddle safari Sailfish salami salt sandbox sandcastle sanddollar santa satellite Saturn Sausages saw scarecrow scarf school scientist scissors scooter scuba diver sea anemone Sea Monster seatbelt sea urchin see saw sewing machine shed sheep shell ship shoe shooting star shopping cart shovel shower sink siren skeleton skis skunk Skyscraper sleeping bag sloth slug smog snail snake snowboard snowflake snowman snow plow snowshoes soap sock soil soup snorkel space spaceship spaghetti spider spinach sponge spoon spring Spy squirrel starfish station steamroller stethoscope stopwatch stork storm strainer straw straw hat strawberry street light Stroller student submarine suit sun sunflower sunglasses superhero surfboard sushi swamp swan sweater swing swordfish table taco tailor tambourine tape tea teapot teddy bear telescope television tent Thanksgiving Thermos thief thistle thread throne tiara Tick ticket tide pool tiger tin man tissues toaster toilet toilet paper toolbox tooth tooth fairy toothbrush top top hat toque Tornado towel tractor Trailer train train tracks traffic light trap tree tree fort triangle trivet trophy trout trumpet tulips tuna tunnel turkey turtle tyrannosaurus rex ukelele umbrella underwear unicorn unicycle uniform vampire vanilla Venus flytrap veterinarian violin volcano wagon Walkie Talkie wallet walnut warthog washing machine Watch water waterfall watering can Weather Vane web not well whale wheat wheel wheelbarrow wheelchair whistle wig wind wind turbine windmill window witch wizard wolf woodpecker woolly Mammoth worm xylophone yarn yo-yo zamboni zipper zebra card game game Associations nouns Language Processing

"Noun" playing cards for playing the What's the Connection? game.

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