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My Book About Seasons

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Lindsey Anderson
Science & Technology
Books and Stories
Early Childhood, Primary, Intermediate, Secondary, Adult

My Book About Seasons I can learn about seasons. Summer is the the warmest season. It can be very hot. I should wear shorts and t-shirts. It is nice to go swimming in the summer. It is fun to play outside in the summer. After summer is fall. Sometimes it is called autumn. In the fall it is colder. I should wear long sleeves and pants. The leaves turn colors and fall off the trees. I can rake them into piles. Halloween is in the fall. We dress up in costumes and go trick-or-treating. After fall is winter. There is lots of snow in the winter! Winter is very cold. I should wear my coat boots mittens a hat. In winter we can play in the snow and build snowmen. It is also fun to build snow-forts with friends. When winter is over and the snow melts It is spring. It starts to feel warmer in spring. I might not have to wear my coat. When the snow melts it makes puddles. It also rains a lot in the spring. Spring is the perfect time to plant our garden. What is your favorite season?

Book about seasons to share with students. What to wear, activities to do (suitable to climates with a cold, snowy winter)

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