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Catherine Kusmin
Feelings & Emotions
Books and Stories
Early Childhood, Primary, Intermediate

book I have many feelings: happy sad mad scared surprised. Frustrated is a feeling too. I feel frustrated when things don't go my way. I feel frustrated when I cant do something I try to do. Frustrated is not the same as mad. I get mad when someone hurts me or takes my toys. I get frustrated when I try to tie my shoes and I can't. I get frustrated when I try to put the toys in order and someone won't let me. I get frustrated when people don't understand me. I don't hit or yell when I am frustrated. Other people get mad when I hit or yell. When I Get Frustrated I can take deep breaths. I can keep my hands to myself. I can say "Help me please." I can say "I feel frustrated." I can say "I need a break." I have many ways to feel better when I am frustrated.

Social story about frustration.

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