"Prickly" Semantic Map Blank
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Fill in this semantic map of the word "prickly" with students when reading the book Nobody Loves a Cactus. Semantic maps help students develop vocabulary skills, Have students generate words that are related to prickly. By having students consider words that may already be in their vocabulary, such as "ouch" "hurt" "sharp" "don't touch", they will build a better understanding of the new word that is introduced. You may also want to include antonyms such as "soft" to further student understanding. Use this along with the vocabulary cards https://lessonpix.com/materials/8974479/Nobody+Hugs+A+Cactus+Vocabulary and create semantic maps for each of the vocabulary words. This activity is aligned with the book Comprehensive Literacy Instruction for All, Teaching Students with Significant Disabilities to Read and Write by Erickson and Koppenhaver.