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No School for Awhile

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Roberta Wilson
Feelings & Emotions
Books and Stories
Early Childhood, Primary, Intermediate, Secondary, Adult

No School for Awhile book sick apartment doctor grandparents germs covid-19 corona

Sometimes we don’t go to school.

We stay home when:  It is the weekend, a holiday, teacher workday or if we are sick.

Sometimes we stay home so we DON’T GET SICK by spreading and catching germs like the ones that cause the flu.

The flu is when you:  cough, have a fever, and maybe whistle when you breathe. It might also make you feel tired. You probably had the flu or know somebody who had it once!

There is a new flu called coronaviris that is a lot like the flu you probably had before.  You don’t have to be scared.  It is just another kind of flu.

If you or someone you know gets sick with the flu or coronavirus, you can call a doctor for help.  Doctors know how to help us!

You can tell a grown up like:  Mom, Dad, Grandma, Grandpa, Auntie, Uncle, or Nana, if you are not feeling well when you are coughing, feel cold, or whistle when you breathe and they will help you.

YOU DON’T HAVE TO WORRY!  Grownups know how to help you!

To be EXTRA safe, school will be closed for a while so people with the flu can rest and so the rest of us won’t catch it.

While you are at home, you can still do school work, just like you were at school.

You can:  read books, work on papers, practice math facts, work on a computer, laptop, ipad, or tablet.  You can even exercise and listen to music, play games and tell jokes!

To stay healthy and not spread germs, try to:

 Wash your hands.  Cough or sneeze in your elbow.  Keep your hands away from your face, like your eyes, nose and mouth!  Keep an arm’s distance from other kids.

While we are home from school, we will miss seeing each other, and that’s ok.  Just think about how happy we will be when we are all together again!

It’s important for us to be safe and healthy.  Staying home for a while will help everybody to be safe and healthy. 

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