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LessonPix Refund Policy


LessonPix wants all of our customers to be happy with their purchase: after all, we aim to provide the best value for Teacher Created Materials on the Internet.  If you are not happy, we are probably not doing our job.

If you are having troubles with the service, please work with us to solve them -- that benefits all of our users, and hopefully ensures you get the value you deserve.  If you are having trouble, please:

  1. Contact us via our online form, and let us know how we can help
  2. Checkout our Facebook page to see if there's an answer there. (We'll post planned outages, etc.)
  3. If all else fails, email us at [email protected]


If you are unhappy, we will cheerfully refund your purchase price under the following policy:

  • For the first 30 days of your subscription, we will refund 100% of your purchase price.  
  • After the first 30 days and for up to 6 months, we will refund a pro-rated amount of your purchase price, based on the number of used and remaining days in your subscription (rounded up to the nearest dollar).  For example, if you have been a member for 100 days on a 1 year subscription, we would refund (365 - 100)/365 = 72.6% of your purchase price.  If you paid $36.00 for that subscription, we would refund $27.00
  • We will credit the payment back to your credit or debit card, or if that is impossible, we will send you a physical payment (usually via money order). 
  • Our goal is to refund money as quickly as we collect it.  We will notify you of the expected refund date when we determine your eligibility, and will aim for 1-3 day turn-around for electronic refunds and 1-3 weeks for paper payments.
  • Please submit all Refund Requests via the Contact Us page while logged into your account if at all possible.  This allows us to confirm your identity with your login password and speeds our processing time.  If that is not possible, please allow time for us to confirm your identity and your intent to cancel your subscription.
  • We will not provide more than one refund per person or entity in a given calendar year.  If you wish to return to LessonPix as a subscriber after receiving a refund, you are always welcome.  However, you will not be eligible for another refund for 365 days after your first refund is paid out.
  • We reserve the right to offer more generous refunds at our sole discretion.  Doing so in any given case does not in any way obligate us in any future refund requests.

If you have any questions about this policy, please Contact Us.

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