101+ LessonPix Templates

What Templates does LessonPix offer? For only $36 per year, LessonPix provides more than a hundred types of templates with even more styles to add. Check out this amazing list for ideas to customize and use.

AAC Template Overlays

Mid-tech AAC devices use overlays to create voiced buttons for communication. LessonPix has great tools to create overlays for your needs.

Adapted Board Games

Customize popular fun games to teach individualized learning objectives. LessonPix has templates that fit into Cariboo, Headbandz, and Guess Who.

Artic Trials Template

Artic Trials template is a themed template that shows and repeats symbols with 10, 25, 50, and 100 symbols per page. Great for data collection and assessment.

Ask For Cards

"Ask For" Cards are visual cards used for reminders to ask. The cards show a child asking and then the result.

Begin to End

Teaching Beginning, Middle, and End: You can teach Sequencing, Phonics, Story Order and much more with these versatile Beginning/Middle/End Cards

Bingo Dauber

The Bingo Dauber template are themed mats that show symbols within circles. Use items such as bingo dauber, snacks, or playdough during activities and informal assessments.

Bingo Games

We offer custom Bingo cards for your needs. Learn how to use them in the classroom for concepts, vocabulary, speech and language and math skills.


Bookmark templates have 1 to 3 pictures on each bookmark. Great for cues or tasks while reading.

Books and Stories

Small books can be created with a picture and words on each page. Books may show sequence pictures of a published story read, social story, list of related pictures, speech words for a student to practice, or recall event activities.

Calendar Cards

Teachers or parents who use a classroom wall calendar can create calendar cards with the date and a picture in a pattern.


Need a quick certificate to acknowledge accomplishments. Custom make your own with symbols that correspond to the award.

Chart Table

The "Chart Table" template provides a grid of pictures with headers across the top. This versatile template is great for organizing information or making schedules.

Circle Picture Cards

Make circle-shaped picture cards easily in the size you need. These are great for tokens, badges, or to attach to objects (checkers, milk caps, etc.).

Circular Narrative

The circular narrative template places one symbol in the center surrounded by 2-12 symbols. Great for circular story visuals, cycles, choice boards, and more!

Clothespin Number Cards

With these number cards, students can select the matching numeral to the set of pictures using clothespins, bingo markers, playdough, magnets, or markers.

Coloring Sheets

Custom Coloring Sheets are a snap to create and provide many interesting classroom activities.

Communication Boards for AAC

Learn how to make Core and Fringe boards in LessonPix for low-tech communication supports.

Contingency Maps

Contingency Maps are a behavioral intervention strategy that show a series of consequences based on an initial choice (if this, then that and that...). Typically 2 responses to a situation are shown and the consequences of each choice. Contingency Maps use both symbols and text to facilitate faster acquisition, and therefore assisting students to make better choices.

Cut and Paste Matching

The "Cut and Paste Template" provides a two lists of symbols and blank areas to paste symbols. Students cut out the row of symbols and paste them next to the corresponding picture.

Cutting Lines

Cutting Lines template is a simple material where students can cut or trace a line toward a picture.

Cutting Links

Cutting Links Template provide 2 pictures connected by a line. Great for cutting and tracing practice.

Cutting Shapes

The Cutting Shapes Template places a picture inside shapes for students to trace or cut.

Daily Report

Daily Report is a template that provides a form to write in reports, notes, or parent communication.


The dial template has up to 10 pictures on a circle, with a cover sheet to mask all but one picture.


These paper dice are easy to create and great for many fun activities.

Dice Rolling Grid

Dice Rolling Grid template provides a grid of pictures with a picture of a die above each column. Roll the die and do or say each item in the corresponding column.

Do and Do Not Cards

"Do and Do Not" cards provide a visual which shows 2 pictures. One picture has the word "Do" over it, and the other picture has the words "Do Not". The "Do Not" picture has a choice of X or the "no" sign on top of it.


Create a dominoes set using pictures or photos you select. This is a great activity for teaching vocabulary, matching skills, and speech.

Door Hanger Signs

Door hangers: signs that hang on a door knob to tell visitor what's happening inside. "Come in!" "Quiet Please", "Testing" or "Kids at work".

Dots and Boxes Game

Dots and Boxes is a fun 2 player game. Take tuns drawing a line between dots. When you mark the 4th side of a box, color or mark the box. Try to close more boxes than your opponent to win! Use vocabulary or artic words for fun practice as you play.

Drawing Pages

This "Drawing Page" Template provides a work / drawing area with up to 10 picture symbols underneath.

Election Ballots

Election Ballots are a great tool for teaching about elections and voting for class consensus.

Eye Gaze Boards

Eye Gaze Boards are a low-tech solution to determine the needs or wants of a person who is unable to communicate verbally.

Find the Match

Find the Match is a worksheet-style template where students draw a line to match items in one column with another.

Find the Picture

Students can scan a busy, big picture to locate specifically chosen smaller pictures.

First Then Board

First Then Boards are used as a visual strategy to help children learn new skills, manage challenging behaviors, or follow a simple schedule.


Flashcards can be used for drills, games, visuals, or communication starters. This template create 4 cards per page.

Fortune Tellers

Fortune Tellers (Cootie Catchers) are an origami paper fortune teller that you can customize for specific purposes.

Four Connect Game

Four Connect (or Four-in-a-Row) is a fun game where two people take turns placing chips on the circles and say the words while playing.

Game Boards

Game Boards can be customized to teach specific vocabulary or skills.

Game Spinner

Spinners are a fun way to make choices or play games.

Graphing Sheets

LessonPix allows users to create graphing pages with your choice of pictures and words for various graphing lessons.

Greeting Cards

Create half page and quarter page greeting cards with this simple template.

Hall Pass

The "Hall Pass" template is a use request for two pictures on a card. This is designed for a visual with two ideas such as a time and place (10:00 Speech) or may a behavior and activity (quiet library).

I Am Working For...

This materials allows teachers, parents, and therapist to show the desired goal (a reward) and the steps to earn it.

I Have Who Has

"I Have Who Has" is a fun "round robin" game used to teach vocabulary and early reading skills.

Lacing Cards

Lacing Cards are a favorite of both boys and girls in Early Childhood. They develop Visual Perceptual skills and provide wonderful Fine Motor practice.

Large and Small Picture

This material, although hard to name, is a simple and versatile worksheet. It has a large picture and several small pictures underneath that a student can cut and glue on to the big picture.

Magic Index Cards

What makes magic index cards so magic? Print LessonPix images directly on index cards and no cutting needed! Great for those who are cutting-challenged.

Main Idea Mats

Main Idea Mats are a template with one large picture in the middle and smaller pictures around the large one. Great for using as playdough or letter mats.

Matching Books

Matching Books are interactive story books that include picture cards that can match to the pictures in the story.


Add target vocabulary in a printable maze for fun extension activities and reinforcement.

Menus and Lists

Menus and Lists are a material with a list of pictures from one to ten pictures. There are a few fun themes to choose from such as diner, cupcake, and polk-a-dot.

Monthly Calendar

Create a custom monthly schedule with our monthly calendar. Use the Grid layout to move the pictures where you need.

Multiple Choice Cards

Multiple Choice cards are cards that have one big picture and three smaller pictures.

Name Tags

Name Tags can be used for classroom management as well as for academic and therapy materials.

Number Cards

Number cards are math cards that can be used in many ways to teach numerals and one-to-one correspondence.

One Page Picture

This material is a s simple as it sounds. It is one picture per page with no boxes or extra words. It can be used as signs, visuals, flip charts, and more.

Pattern Strips

Pattern Strips allow you to use your selected pictures in a pattern. The page includes an AB, AAB, and AABB patterns.

Picture and Words

"Picture and Word" cards can be used throughout the classroom in multiple activities and learning centers.

Picture Cards

Simple pictures cards can be used for so many purposes from memory games to story sequencing to picture communication systems.

Picture Schedules

There are many types of schedules that can be used for many different purposes. This article provides an explanation, ideas, and free sample of each type of schedule.

Picture Strips Templates

Picture Strips Templates separate rows of pictures for sentence strips, pattern strips, math equations, spelling and more.

Playing Cards

Build a deck of cards using pictures you select or upload. Your playing cards may consist of up to four different background colors with each picture.

Play Money

Print custom play money to use in dramatic play, for class reward systems, alongside custom board games, or with curriculum lessons about money.

Poem Pages

Poem Pages templates allow for a column of pictures with wrapped text next to each picture.


Postcards template allows one picture and space for a note and address.

Puzzle Picture Cards

This materials has 2 pictures that match together in a puzzle connection. Great for matching pictures that have similar characteristics - rhyme, beginning letter, opposite, go together, etc.

Puzzle Template

Make custom puzzles to use for fun games, behavior systems, and visual motor skills.

Question Cards

This powerful template allows for one question or statement with wrapped text and one, two, or three choice answers.

Scales and Ratings

The Scales/ Ratings template offers many styles where users can sequence their pictures along a continuum for self-evaluation or rating.

Semantic Maps

Semantic Maps are a visual way to organize information. The large concept is placed in the middle and surrounded by details or related items.

Sorting Mats

Sorting mats can help children classify and organize small objects, pictures, or word cards.

Sorting Pictures Template

This template provides sorting areas with picture cards along the bottom. Students can cut out the cards and sort into the groups.

Stay on Topic Visual

Choose pictures inside the speech bubble as a visual reminder to stay on topic.

Stick Puppets

Print stick puppets to use to teach literacy for creative storytelling, retelling, sequencing, and character development.

Tab and Flap Cards

Tab and Flap Cards are visuals that can be placed on a ring and easily accessible at your finger tips. These are great for behavior support as well as curriculum content.

Tally Cards

Tally cards contain a picture with boxes underneath - great for counting repetitions or behaviors related to the picture.

Task Cards

Task Cards are a highly motivating tool that can be used across the curriculum. These cards that contain one thought, activity, or question per card.

Themed Mats

Themed Mats make learning fun and motivating. Just place your choice of small symbols on a themed picture such as Pumpkin, Mitten, or Spider Web. Great to use with favorite stories or holidays.

Themed Pairs

Themed Pairs Template, similar to Themed Picture Cards, place 6 pictures on top of images that go together.

Themed Picture Cards

Themed Picture Cards Templates make 6 picture cards on a theme. These simple and fun visuals are great for bulletin board, holiday activities, and units of study.

Tickets Templates

LessonPix offers tickets templates to generate various styles of tickets customized for individual needs. CHeck out these samples to use with literacy activities, behavior systems and more!

Tic Tac Toe

Add pictures to a Tic Tac Toe board to practice vocabulary or articulation while you play!

Token Boards

Token Board template create a board with empty squares and picture cards underneath to cut out and place on the squares.

Trading Cards Template

Trading cards may be customized to create games or collectables similar to Pokemon cards, Magic the Gathering Cards, or Baseball Cards. This template provides 8 cards per page in several styles.

Traditional Playing Cards

Make your own deck of cards with custom pictures.

Treasure Map

Treasure Map can be used to create a map of a sequence to follow. This materials allows 2 to 4 pictures to sequence.

Trifold Table Tent

The trifold table tent works as a standing desk sign great for individual schedules, table expectations, or activity process in visuals.

Venn Diagram

Venn Diagram template works like a sorting mat to categorize items in one group, or another, or both.

Weekly Tracking Chart

This material consists of a grid with the days of the week along the top and 1 to 8 pictures down the side. This works well for behavior charts and tracking data.

When I Am

This template is a first-then type visual that shows a "first" and choices for the "then".

Word Matching

This cut and paste matching template provides up to 26 symbols to match pieces with a board. Great for early literacy and story vocabulary.

Word Writing

The Word Writing template is a simple page for writing and spelling. It provides up to 12 pictures with a primary line underneath each picture.


Two LessonPix Wristband Templates for a fun, wearable visual. One has wrapped text and the other has multiple pictures. Great for reminders, strategies, speech words, or vocabulary.

Writing Pages

Writing and Drawing pages can be create to have lines and/or box for a drawing area. Images can be placed on the writing page to indicate a topic or decorative for holidays / themes.