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Game Boards

The game board templates provide a variety of choices to place pictures into a game board format. This allows users to create a custom game board activity.

There are several styles of game boards: simple basic, a path, candy themed, smilie theme, ladder and slides, caterpillar, snake, winter, and more. More templates are added occasionally.

You can choose to include playing cards with most styles; or you may use the same pictures to create a game spinner or dice in the wizard.

Here are some activity ideas for Game Boards:

  • Use characters or vocabulary from a story to become more familiar with the parts of the story.
  • Use body movements: children have to move their bodies in the same way when they land on a square. Great for motor planning and development.
  • Use words that focus on articualtion sounds such as "r words". Students have to say the word correctly when they land on the square. Fun way to practice sounds.
  • Use science vocabulary for fun practice of new words.
  • Use target social skills as part of a behavior system to move up and earn a reward.
  • Use theme items as games within a learning center.


Here is a Free Sample of R-words game


Here is a Free Sample of an Idiom Game


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