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Rubber Duck Theme

"Rubber Ducky, you're the one. You make bathtime lots of fun. Rubber Ducky I'm awfully fond of you!" - Ernie from Sesame Street

Did you know that the US celebrates National Rubber Ducky Day each year on January 13? These popular little toys bring smiles and fun whereever they go! LessonPix has rubber ducky pictures and templates to boost the fun of learning and make visuals cheery. Check the Rubber Ducky Feelings or the Rubber Duck Toys Symbols. 


Check out these fun ideas and materials from the LessonPix  Sharing Center



Rubber Ducky is not a common theme or learning goal. However- it is highly engaging and fun! So why not wonder- even about simple things such as rubber ducks! Why are they popular? How are they made? Are they all made of rubber? What is rubber? Do all rubber ducks float? How big is the biggest rubber duck? So many questions about this simple toy bring in science, math, geography, creativity, art, and more! You never know where this little duck can lead! 

Here are some learning objectives to use with a rubber ducky theme: 

  • Students will learn about the properties of rubber and how rubber duckies are made.
  • Students will practice counting and simple math using rubber duckies.
  • Students will create a rubber ducky art project.
  • Students will develop language skills through a rubber ducky-themed story.



Start with an opener to gain interests. Bring in a large rubber duck or watch a video about rubber ducks. Do a KWL about rubber ducks. 




Read Eric Carle's "10 Little Rubber Ducks". (youtube video)


Other duck stories include: 


Science of Ducks

How are rubber ducks made? Check out this video of rubber ducks. 

Be a tester - see if your rubber ducks float upright. How can you fix "dead ducks"?

What makes them float? Try a float and sink experiement recording objects that float or sink. Guess first! (penny, marker, pompom, leaf, and even a pumpkin.)


Here is a science experiement from when rubber ducks were accidentally dumped in the ocean. 


Sculpture and Art

Check out the Dutch artist Florentijn Hofman's collection of large ducks which can be seen in Amsterdam, Sydney, Hong Kong, and other cities around the world. Video Hofman makes the ducks out of PVC, and the largest creation is 85 feet wide, 65 feet long, and 105 feet high.

Can you make a duck sculture? Try using model magic or paper mache!

Try painting using rubber ducks. For younger students, place paint and hair gel inside 2 gallon ziplock and tape to table. Use ducks to muve paint around for a mess free painting experience. 



Duck Races

Every year, cities around the world host a race of the duckies to support research for local hospitals and other charities. The top three ducks earn big prizes!  Check out Chicago's Duck race here

Make your own duck race. Use a stream or better yet build one! Ducks can race on water, skateboards, ramps, and in your hand! (How can we make the water flow - but not too fast?)

For a simple race - roll the color duck dice 10 times. Graph each result and see which color duck wins. ( Can also use with Play Tools.)


Ducks can even be a great prize! See Kate Douglass win a Golden rubber duck at the 2024 Paris Olympics


Ducky Phonics

There are many fun rhyming duck fingerplays such a "6 Little Ducks that I once knew..." and "5 Little Ducks went out one day..."

Check out these duck rhyming activities. 



Ducky Math

Rubber Duckies make great manipulatives! Use rubber duckies or images for counting practice. Have students count rubber duckies, group them by numbers, and perform simple addition or subtraction. Use counting mats or number cards to assist.



Rubber Ducky Feelings

Talk about feelings as you play with these expressive ducks. Look and role play body positions and facial expressions that match each feeling. 

Watch the Duck Song by forrestfire101. Look at the expressions on the boys face. How is he feeling? Why is he frustrated? 


Duck Writing

Draw or write your own duck story. 



Community Helpers and Other Styles Ducks

Look at the different duck designs. How would you design a duck? (Teacher, Firefighter, Minecraft?) Design your duck. 


Ducky Games

There are a number of ducky games to play. For young children check out, Lucky Ducks - a fun game for memory matching.  

Or play Duck Duck Goose! For students who need communciation support, create visual of duck and goose for students to point as they pat heads. 

Here is a better version of the old card game, "Old Maid" using duck feelings and one goose!


Ducks in Music

Everyone know the classic Sesame Street song by Ernie and his Rubber Ducky! 

Check out the same song by other artists such as Little RichardLeslie Odom Jr., and Kacey Musgraves.

Here is a compilation of Rubber Ducky songs from Sesame Street

Can you make your own version? Be creative - even a rubber chicken can get in the fun!


More Rubber Ducky Learning Activities and Visuals


Have fun and get excited about learning!