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Pirate Theme in the Classroom and Therapy

Ahoy Me Hearties!

Pirate themes are enjoyed by people of all ages (with thanks to Johnny Depp and Peter Pan). It is such a fun theme for parties, Halloween, and more, as well as a motivating theme for teaching and therapy. However, September 19th is more than just a party theme... it's THE official "International Talk Like A Pirate Day", for adult and junior pirates alike. Since 2002, pirate personalities have emerged from even the most unlikely scallywags.

LessonPix is the official Talk Like A Pirate Day Special Education resource. Check out our pirate materials in the sharing center. (P.S. There are many pirate free samples - so tell your friends!) If you're an SLP, it's perfect "R" day. OT's and PT's love the pirate activities such as swabbing the deck and walking the plank. Of course, teachers enjoy pirate stories, songs, and games as well!



There are many wonderful stories about pirates. Check out these "In A Story" Articles for visuals and activities to delve deeper into the book. 

  • How I Became A Pirate by Melinda Long - "How I Became A Pirate" tells the tale of a boy named Jeremy who meets pirates while at the beach with his family. The pirates teach Jeremy how to be a pirate (and Jeremy teaches them how to play soccer). Check out this delightfully fun book with its incredible illustrations. 

​Check out these additional pirate picture books...


Speech Therapy

During a full group Speech Therapy, the students will practice some of their favorite (kid friendly) pirate talk. 

  • Parrot: Using a stuffed or puppet parrot, the students listen to hear if the parrot repeats what they say correctly. Is it the same or different? (auditory discrimination). You can also use as a rhyming parrot - Parrot rhymes what the children say.

  • Yo-ho-ho syllables: Clap out number of syllables in yo-ho, and yo-ho-ho, and so on. Move to clapping out other pirate words.

  • Arrr (R) Words!

  • I Spy!: Look though cardboard roll spyglass. Use prepositions to describe where things are. "I spy a duck in the water!", "I spy a bird on top of the tree!


OT Motor Group:

Using LessonPix material - the Treasure Map, the children will follow the map through a series of activities. (I will post the map on the smartboard and have students trace our path.) Here are activites for motor group:

  • Swab the Deck - Use mops to play pass with a ball on the tile floor
  • Shoot the Cannon - Place sticky notes on wall. Have the students toss bean bag or ball to hit the letters in their name.
  • Hook Ring Toss: With a partner, one child tosses rings onto a pretend pirate hook.
  • Walk the Plank - walk the balance beam and jump off end into a crash pad mat.
  • Swim to shore - Swimming motion in a ball pit
  • Dig in the sand for buried treasures. Kids find beads and toy rings in the sandbox.

(Click the Map for the free sample!)





We will also have a pirate art project:

  • Paper plate pirate face.
  • Make pirate hat
  • Use solo cup and foil to make a hook.




Games and Classroom Materials

Of course LessonPix has MANY games and classroom materials you can create for a pirate theme. Here are a few ideas...


Pirate Sayings

Of course, no pirate day would be the same without the favorite pirate sayings....

  • Well Shiver me timbers
  • Aaarrrggghh
  • Ahoy Matey
  • Ahoy Me Hearties!Bingo Dauber Pages
  • Avast - Stop.
  • Aye
  • Aye Aye Captain!
  • Batten Down the Hatches!
  • Blimey
  • Blow Me down!
  • Gangway
  • Grub
  • Heave Ho'
  • Lad / Lass
  • Landlubber
  • Lily Livered
  • Pieces of Eight
  • Polly want a Cracker?
  • Sea Dog
  • Thar she blows!
  • Thar
  • Walk the Plank
  • X Marks the Spot
  • Yo Ho Ho


Enjoy the day ye' fine lads and lassies! Fair Winds!