Art Center With Core Vocabulary
The art center has various art supplies and crafts for children to create works. This center promotes language and fine motor skills. It includes glue, markers, scissors, yarn, pompoms, crayons, paper, stencils, playdough, paint, etc.
Creativity flows and chidlren have opportunities to explore with various mediums and express their thoughts and feelings. Rich language opportunities are facilitated with core and themed vocabulary.
Here is an exmaple of fringe for an art center:
Artist Showcase
Make an artist showchase where a student shows his or her works to the class. The student can comment about his or her work by describing sequnece, mediums, or details. Students can pose question to the artist as well.
Students with severe language can comment about their own work using core. "I made it!", "I put this on here", "I got more paint", "I wanted it to look different". And they can ask questions or comment to other artists: "Where are you going to put it?", "What do you like more?", "Can I make that too?", "I like it", "It makes me feel happy", etc.
Can You Make It?
This activity takes works of art, and has students try to imitate the artwaork in their own way. For the orginal piece, the teacher may provide famous works or examples of peer works. Display on a bulletin board that says, "Can you make it?".
Small Group Collage
Today we are going to create small group collages. Introduce vocabulary collage, mixed-media, and mediums - as appropriate. Start with a large poster or bulletin board paper. tudnets take turns rolling dice to see what they can add to the group collage. When a student rolls the dice, they can comment, "I put on...(glitter)" and add their medium.
This activity promotes the following skills: taking turns, working together, waiting for a turn, fine motor skills, and social communication with core words. To focus on core, model "put" and "on" by pointing to the board when you use these words.
Here are some more materials from the sharing center for art
- Art Center Fringe
- Kindergarten Schedule for Art Days - by Ami
- Art Supplies Picture Cards - by Kristie
- Art Core Board - by Jessica
- Arts and Crafts COre Topic Board - by Christy
- Art Bingo - by PRC
- Art Expectations - by Michaela
Here are more ideas for core vocabulary in the early childhood inclusion classroom