Multi-Lingual Materials
Make multi-lingual materials using our Translation Tool, powered by Google Translate. Like the rest of LessonPix, this feature is very easy to use and very powerful. And when translating to a language you don't know, this is a life-saver!
You can translate a single material right within the "Create Materials" wizard or translate a collection for multiple materials.
"Create Materials"....
Once you have your pictures in the tray, click "create materials" to begin making your material and follow the wizard. On the second step, you will see where you can change the text and order of your pictures.
Look at the bottom to find the translation tool.
Choose your language and it's that easy!
You may decide to add English next to the translated text for a bilingual material.
Once you create one material, the pictures in your tray will continue to be translated. You can make more materials using the same text. If you clear the tray, the pictures will no longer be translated. To keep this group of pictures, click the blue button "Save" at the bottom of the tray.
"Saved Tray" Collection
When you find a collection of pictures that you may want to use multiple times, you can save your tray. You may save a collection of final /t/ words or vocabulary from a common storybook.
- Click the blue button "Save" to save the pictures in a collection.
- This collection will be saved under "Your LessonPix" tab for easy access.
- You can translate your saved tray at any time. Just click on the collection and the translation tool will be at the top.
When you need to use the pictures for any reason, go to "Your LessonPix" tab, under "Your Saved Trays". Here you can move the group of pictures to your tray by clicking the plus sign or drag single pictures one at a time. It's so simple!
Here are some translated materials from our sharing center.
Gg words in French.
The Old Lady Who Wasn't Afraid Of Anytthing story vocabulary translated to Spanish.