Behavior, Social Skills, and Counseling with LessonPix
All children (and adults) need help from time to time with managing feelings and emotions both within themselves and with others. Many different professionals can work with a struggling child depending on their need, including psychologists, school counselors, teachers, behavior therapists (ABA), occupational therapists, speech therapists, social workers, etc.
LessonPix offers the tools needed to customize materials for interventions. Custom visual materials can be used to teach, prompt, and redirect as needed. Here are some examples of strategies to support behavior, social skills, and counseling.
1. Social Narratives: Social narratives are small stories that focus on one specific skills. The story may include description of behavior, positive result of behavior, context, examples, and/or nonexamples.
Check out these social narratives ready-to-print from the Sharing Center.
2. Setting Goals: Sometimes children become overwhelmed when a task is too much to handle. It helps to break the task into smaller bites to become less overwhelming. The template "I am working for" can place a goal or a reward in a frame and place steps or choices needed to achieve the goal.
3. Token Reward Systems: A token systems can be an effective short-term strategy for modifying or motivating a behavior. Give a child a token for positive behavior (related to the goal), and then a child may exchange a specified number of tokens to earn a reward. Students may collect stars, stickers, coins, tallies, checkmarks, etc.
LessonPix offers templates that can be used for token systems. Here are some examples from the Sharing Center.
A common token system teaches potty training.
One type of token system involves using small puzzles. Give a child one piece of the puzzle for positive behavior. When the puzzle is complete, they earn the prize.
4. First-Then Board: This simple and effective visual shows the first behavior (usually nonpreferred activity) followed by the next behavior or reward (usually a preferred activity). First-then boards are far more effective than verbally stating the first and then, because ivisuals work like a contract- it's written down clearly.
First clean your room and then you can watch tv!
5. Checklists or Steps: Checklists or steps lists can show of what to do when you have a problem or how to do a task. Knowing what or how helps prevent frustration.
6. Scales and Rating Visuals: Scales and ratings visuals can show intensity or a range. For example, a scale may how how bad it hurts from one to 5. A student may rate their level of understanding to show if they need more help.
7. When I Am: "When I am" template shows a behavior or feeling followed by choices or steps. Great visual for teaching and display as a reminder.
8. Contingency Maps: These visuals show a behavior or situation, two choices that can be made, and the result of the choice. This visual from the Sharing Center shows what could happen you go to the cafeteria.
9. "What Would You Do...": Interventions involve some time teaching and talking with the child when they are calm. These activities discuss or role play situations. This gives a child tools to handle when the situation arises.
10. Posted Visual Reminders: Having visuals posted or accessible for situation will help present nonverbal prompt for behavioral support. Some may carry visuals on a lanyard or keyring for easy access. Examples of these accessible visuals include a "wait" symbol which the teacher points to when a child is interrupting. Table manners may be posted near a family eating area as a gentle reminder of expectations.
LessonPix is a versitile tool that helps support behavior, academics, and communication. Powerful tools such as the SoundFinder, Translation Tool, and Symbol Builder allow members to truly customize for their needs.
The 2020 Global Pandemic forced families and schools to adapt instruction and rely on remote learning strategies. Many inspiring stories emerged of teachers going above and beyond, finding innovative ways to connect and instruct. While some students adapted well, many struggled and now present with learning loss. New programs are being implemented with funding opportunities to address learning recovery. (Learn More about Learning Recovery Here).
Have fun learning and growing together!
#gen ed, #general ed, #teaching behavior, #K12, #K-12, #classroom behavior, #social skills